
review requests


How can I send a request or a link to a guest to leave a review


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jaybeegee 5 years ago

Booking.com handle the request for reviews.

Best you can do is email the client after checkout and thank them for the stay and ask them to complete the review when they receive the link from booking.com/

Karin 4 years ago

It would be nice to send a request and a thank you to guests personally, especially as I have no indication that you have asked guests for one?

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jaybeegee 1 year ago

Nothing is stopping you to do that with a custom email using a template if you want!

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Kevin McCarthy 1 year ago

what is the timeline which Bookings uses to request a review from the guest ?     3 days   5 days 1 week ?

Profile picture for the user j
jaybeegee 1 year ago

Immediately on checkout and the guest has 90days to respond!