
Can I change my Property Description

Booking.com automatically generates what I consider to be a very general non-descriptive property description based upon my responses on the overly excessive services and amenities page.  I would like to write my own short description using the same number of words.  In fact the platform allows you to write detail descriptions of the property, rooms, amenities and surrounding points of interest but you don't see that as a user on Booking.com searching for an accomodation.

For example my property is located on the famed French Camino de Santiago and it doesn't reflect that on my description on the platform.  Does anyone have any advice on this issue?

Thank you.


Diane Vernon 5 years ago

I, too, wish to change my description, and have written to Booking to ask how to do so. Because, unlike yours, the description generated by Booking is false, in bad English, and does nothing to make someone want to come. So I have thousands of "viewers', but no takers. I have written to Booking about this but have not received a reply.

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M Adamopoulou 5 years ago

Hello guys I had similar problems.
Only booking.com can change description.
Try to change what you want using bullets. I had to send a couple of messages to get what I really wanted. Their answer is that nobody reads description!!!!

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M Adamopoulou 5 years ago

Sorry, Wherestrudy in your inbox tab you can request booking.com to add to your listing that your property is in French Camino...
Good luck...