
David Scotland Systems Accountnant (Sykes)

We are agents for many cottages hosted by our Partner Booking.com but are experiencing a recurring issue where Booking.com are taking payment twice from the Guest if they use the option to update their credit card details.


Any other agents experiencing the same. We have identified at least a dozen instances of this happening over the past 2 weeks



BrookAve 4 years ago



You should contact your region finance department.




Kind Regards



Consider linking your Property link into your partner profile as it helps other partners assist you, especially when starting out .


How To Guide :



How To Contact Booking.com:


If  urgent,  call the dedicated phone number* found in your extranet Inboxtab.

Under Booking.com Messages,
Click on Contact us to reveal the phone number.

For more general info you can contact one of our main lines for help.


Got a specific financial question?

Call the dedicated  phone number* found in the ‘Financial Overview’ section of the ‘Finance’ tab in your extranet.

Please note that our finance team is available during business hours, Monday to Friday only.