Website update

Hello thank you in advance for your help. 

Is there any way to update the website made by booking.com for my business?

Will Booking.com automatically make the updates as soon as the page on booking.com is updated?

Thank you very much for your attention, looking forward to read some answers soon!


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Thuild - Your … 5 years ago

Hello Sabai,

Well, when you use Booking Suite, you need to know that they crawl information once a month from the Extranet.

Therefore you need to wait for settings made on the extranet to show on the website. This period can be shorter also.

Besides this, whenever you make changes on the Booking Suite, you need to save and then Publish the page, for those changes to be visible.

Best of luck,

Zsolt - www.thuild.com

1sabaihostel 5 years ago

Hello Thuild, thank you very much for your answer, have a good day!
