
Mapping extra rooms from Booking.com to supercontrol

When I set up my account with booking.com I didn't add all the rooms in my hotel as I was unaware that I could limit how many rooms at any one time I could book out. I would now like to add the remaining rooms to booking.com to get booked, but my channel manager - supercontrol, is telling me that it isn't a simple task, and will be very difficult to map the rooms as I would need to have different room descriptions and room names, even though they would be the same type of rooms. All booking.com keep saying is that they have done everything from their end so it is now up to my channel manager. How to I solve this as it's driving me mad!!!

Profile picture for the user t
Thuild - Your … 5 years ago

Dear ...,

Stop using that channel manager as it's crap if they cannot add/map new rooms on the go.

That was my first advice, now my second.

Choose a professional Channel Manager like Siteminder which will be like a walk in the park easy setup.

BDC cannot help you here as it's all on the CM now for them to sort out their sorry excuse. I wouldn't bite and neither should you.

Setting up a new mapping should take about 2-3 minutes max if you drink your coffee meanwhile.

Best regards,

Zsolt - www.thuild.com

Profile picture for the user t
Thuild - Your … 5 years ago

Actually you just need to add extra availability to the already existing room type. Which takes 10-15 seconds to do in a professional Channel Manager.