
How do we add an additional phone number to receive verification codes?

We need to add to our booking account an additional number, in order to receive to that phone number verification codes, when we log in or when we want to view a credit card. How do we do that?

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pibomarco 5 years ago

1. Go to Extranet
2. Choose Account on top right
3. Click Security
4. + Add new number

Nana Esi BOHAM 10 months ago

Please these steps are not working for me. before I can add a new phone I have to verify and I don't have access to that number right now. How do I add a manager or phone number without verification? thanks 

Hotelpetitvillage 4 years ago

Did the above steps. System calls new mobile, I enter the code in the security page and then shws this number as pending approval. Should I wait for someone to call for verification??

Graham Hancock 3 years ago

Hi same problem with new number pending on site ID ***. Please help