
Have you ever problem with disputed reservations?

This week the Booking.com financial team has rejected my disputed reservations. The reasons is I did not marked the credit card invalid within 48 hours.

However last 3 months they accepted our request by end of the month. This month is not. 

Is that a question of luck? 

What is your experience?

Thank you for sharing


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fluff 5 years ago

I did make the same mistake once early on, the finance department allowed it but also made it clear I should have done so before months end. I guess if I repeated the error they may decline.

I think the 48 hours refers to marking a no-show.

David Lewsey 3 years ago

I have had no resolution to a disputed invoice from early July. I was unable to accept a booking because of Govt guidelines. Now they are trying to charge me £ 55